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Post processing and submission generation


The postprocessing is not implemented yet.

I conducted some experiments but this part of the pipeline is still work in progress.

With the patch classification pipeline, we get coarse segmentation maps of the slide.

The DigiLut challenge required to predict bounding boxes. Thus, I want to add a postprocessing step to convert the masks into \(N\) bounding boxes (the \(N\) is given by the organizers for each slide).

I want to give a try to 2 approaches:

  1. A clustering one, based on DBSCAN
  2. A union-fuse one


  • To extract bounding boxes, we first assign them to clusters using DBSCAN.
    • DBSCAN has the advantage of classifing outliers in a "-1" cluster, this is useful to avoid huge bounding boxes at the next steps, as we take englobing bboxes
  • Finally we compute the englobing bounding boxes for each cluster.
  • The submission file tells us how many N boxes are expected. So we only keep the N clusters with the most positive patches. If the number of predicted boxes is smaller than N, we pad with (0,0,0,0) predictions.

Drawback: we need to find the optimal clusters parameters (minimal number of points, distance for points to be linked), that are image-dependent.


This technique is simpler and it requires no hyperparameter tuning.

  • Fuse overlapping positive patches until no one overlaps.
  • Remove all positive patches that don't have at least two positive neighbors (within their 8 neighbors). That removes most of the outliers/false positive/not dense clusters.
  • Compute the englobing bounding boxes for each cluster.
  • The submission file tells us how many N boxes are expected. So we only keep the N clusters with the most positive patches. If the number of predicted boxes is smaller than N, we pad with (0,0,0,0) predictions.